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https://city.xizi.com   2011-12-20 09:47:16   西子湖畔    作者:西小龙   


      【Recently , Regina has been working on a special project for Huizhou University, that she plans to send her new book ,which is about the history and campus life of Huizhou University, to all the teachers ,students , alumnus and leaders who will come to our school,on the 65th anniversary celebration, November 26 for free. So the total number of her new book is expected to publish 20000 copies. As far as Regina’s concerned,there is no book completely written for Huizhou University yet ,which is the only one university in Huizhou.Therefore, Regina wants not only the students of Huizhou University ,but also all people in Huizhou to realize that Huizhou University is really a good university,by reading this book.Last but not least, Regina hopes to call for Huizhou government ,and even every Huizhou people ,to pay more attention to education career of Huizhou, that is to say ,to do everyone ‘s best to make Huizhou University better and better.】


     【Needless to say , there were lots of difficulties when Regina was trying carrying out this special project.But the biggest difficulty is to raise funds to publish the 20000 copies. With her 4 students’ help , Regina has received some material support instead of cash support,like providing free rooms and free food for our 65th anniversary celebration, from some companies that they have connected. Now , Regina and her 4 students from project team are still working very hard to connect some companies for sponsorship.】


